Surgical Weight loss for Men

It’s estimated 280,000 Americans
will undergo Weight Loss Surgery this year. Only
15 percent, 42,000 will be men. Obesity
statistics in the US indicate morbid obesity is
not gender specific. Why are so few men having
weight loss surgery?
are genetically predisposed to lose weight more
quickly than women. Most experts agree men tend
to lose weight faster because they have more lean
muscle mass and a lower body fat percentage than
women. Men generally have a higher metabolism,
the rate at which they burn calories, because they
have more muscle.
Because of the better odds for quicker success
men tend to opt for conventional weight loss
methods such as diet and exercise before
considering gastric bypass as an option.
Dr. Feng strives to educate our patients
regarding Weight Loss Surgery options for women as
well as men. We always perform a comprehensive
consultation to make sure you fit the surgical
criteria. If Dr. Feng feels that weight loss
surgery is not an option, he will guide you on the
right path to your future success of losing
Dr. Feng has dedicated his experience,
compassion, specialized training, and advanced
laparoscopic minimally invasive techniques
including robotic surgery to his comprehensive
weight loss program. This complemented with long
term patient follow-up to achieve excellent