Am I A Candidate for Bariatric Weight Loss

Is Weight Loss Surgery right for me?
Bariatric surgery may be the next step for people
who remain severely obese after trying
non-surgical approaches, or for people who have an
obesity-related disease. Surgery to produce weight
loss is a serious undertaking. Anyone thinking
about undergoing this type of operation should
understand what it involves. Answers to the
following questions may help you decide whether
weight-loss surgery is right for you.
Are you?
- Unlikely to lose weight or
keep weight off long-term with non-surgical
- Well informed about the
surgical procedure and the effects of treatment?
- Determined to lose weight and
improve your health?
- Aware of how your life may
change after the operation (adjustment to the
side effects of the operation, including the
need to chew food well and inability to eat
large meals)?
- Aware that you will need to
avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated or
sugary drinks after the operation to avoid
- Aware of the potential for
serious complications, dietary restrictions, and
occasional failures?
- Committed to lifelong medical
follow-up and vitamin/mineral supplementation?
Remember: There are no guarantees for any method,
including surgery, to produce and maintain weight
loss. Success is possible only with maximum
cooperation and commitment to behavioral change
and medical follow-up—and this cooperation and
commitment must be carried out for the rest of
your life. Surgery mainly works by helping with
appetite control, not with the desire for carbs.

Am I a Candidate?
Weight loss surgery is not right for everyone.
You should take into consideration of all the hard
work, lifestyle change and motivation it will take
after surgery. Obesity surgery is an effective
treatment for morbid obesity, although the pounds
do not come off by themselves. The surgery is an
aid to help achieve lasting results by limiting
your food intake.
Additionally, patients with
complex medical conditions and limited mobility
increase the surgical risks; patients are
thoroughly evaluated and considered on a
patient-by-patient basis. Individuals may be
candidates if they meet the NIH Guidelines for
morbid obesity surgery. Click
here for more information on the NIH Guidelines.
- You must be at least 18 years
of age. If you are over 60 years old, you must
be referred by your doctor and be in good
health, since surgery is higher risk in patients
over 60 years old even with testing before
- Your body
mass index (BMI) is greater than 40 kg/m2. Or
you are about 100 pounds overweight for men or
80 pounds overweight for women?
- Your BMI is between 35-39.9
kg/m2 and you have a serious
obesity-related health problem, such
as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease,
sleep apnea or degenerative joint disease
- Overweight for more than 5
- You have taken serious
attempts to lose weight and only had short term
- You do not drink alcohol in
- You do not smoke
- You are not diagnosed with
Prader Willi Syndrome
- You have no serious disease
that may have caused your obesity, such as
steroid-secreting tumors as in Cushing's
- Have no serious
untreated, underlying psychiatric disorders, or
current issues with substance abuse, or narcotic
- You are willing to be
monitored by specialists who are treating you
- An understanding of the
operation and the lifestyle changes you will
have to and want to make
- Be medically healthy enough to
tolerate major surgery with general anesthesia
- You are not extremely
limited in activity. You must be able to perform
aerobic and anaerobic exercise as with any
weight loss program.
Feng will perform a comprehensive consultation
with you regarding the surgery criteria and
different options of Bariatric surgery that fits
your specific needs.
If you are interested in making an appointment,
have questions, or want to send us a referral,
please call the main number at (650)
853-6671 and ask for the Department of
Surgery Bariatric Surgery Scheduler, Vira Lopez.
Mention that you found Dr. Feng from his

Surgical Procedures