Before & After Pictures &

I started my foray into a surgical alternative
for my obesity on August 16th 2007 at 326 pounds.
I had a laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy
accomplished by Dr. John Feng. My first impression
of Dr. Feng was that he was interested in me from
the git go. My first telephone conversation with
him lasted about 35 minutes. He even called me
back when we were disconnected. My admiration of
him as a humanitarian and prodigal surgeon grew
with each conversation and meeting. Shelly, his
assistant, is more than competent, bubbly and
supportive. You should know that Dr. Feng is
attentive, caring and available. He delights in
his profession and the blessings it can bring to
others (if they take advantage of the tools he
offers). He also avails himself of current studies
in his field and passes that information onto his
patients. I like that ALOT. He emphasizes
aftercare and offers support groups through
monthly meetings with him and educates his
patients about Obesity He is the person
who told me about this website. He is very honest
about risks and benefits and that this surgery is
just a tool. He is right. That is all it is. That
is however, what made the difference for me. I
took his advise very seriously. I am currently at
176 lbs. Overall, I would rate Dr. Feng on a scale
of 1 to 10 at 200+. I cannot speak highly enough
of his caring and professional skills. So, which
is better, his bedside manner or surgical
competence? Well, if you would like both, choose
Dr. Feng and you will be in the very best of

Lost over 116 pounds in 10 months
with the vertical sleeve gastrectomy
Dr. Feng is FANTASTIC!! He did my sleeve last
August 2, 2007.
I have absolutely NOTHING but wonderful things
to say about him. He did a great job talking me
through my options but I went in KNOWING I wanted
to have the Sleeve (my mom had a DS and knew I
couldn't take the pills required)and he was very
respectful about my opinion and agreed with me.
He was very active in my care and sincere. He has
helped me with a few issues that I have had (not
associated with the sleeve). He keeps a very close
look at my labs I get done. He ordered extra
vitamins I need (as a result of the lab work).
I have NO COMPLICATIONS whatsoever with my
sleeve, but if I did I knew he would do whatever
he had to do to help.
He is understanding and not intimidating at all,
like some other doctors are that I have met. If
anyone asks me about the sleeve... I have always
given his name because he is such a wonderful
doctor and I trust him. I had to be able to trust
someone that I as putting my life in his hands ( I
am a single parent and didn't want anything to
happen to me). I was so nervous walking into the
operating room that I started to cry and he just
held my hand and was saying everything would be
ok. And it was!! THANKFULLY!!! lol MY WHOLE
experience with him has been NOTHING but
wonderful! I owe Dr Feng for giving me my life
back. Also for making me a better mother so I can
take my child to the park and run around without
getting out of breath.
Thank you Dr. Feng!!

I was so nervous to meet with Dr. Feng for my
consultation because of past interactions with
doctors. When I stepped on that scale and saw what
I weighed before Dr. Feng came in the room I just
wanted to run out. To my surprise and delight, he
didn’t bat an eye at that huge number. He didn’t
berate me, or belittle me. Dr. Feng was concerned
for me with such a high BMI but wasn’t judgmental.
He talked with me for over 2 hours about the
different WLS that were available and answered
every one of my questions. I felt totally as ease
with him. I decided to have the vertical (sleeve)
gastrectomy. My surgery took an hour and went
smoothly. Dr. Feng spoke with my family right
after the surgery and made them all feel at ease
and comfortable. His bedside manner in the
hospital was wonderful.

Dr. Feng is a life saver. Great treatment, I
experienced very minimal discomfort from the whole
thing and was back at work in a few days.
Backache gone, sleep apnea cured, and feeling
-Thank you Dr. Feng.
lost in 9mo |
365lbs -> 247lbs |
189 -> 141 |
198 -> 64 |
A1C: 6.1-> 5.3 |
Pressure: 124/74 |
Dr. Feng was very intelligent and professional.
His staff was great. I had a completely positive
experience with him. Both myself and a friend
went to him for the same VG (Vertical
Gastrectomy, or sleeve gastrectomy) procedure
the same month. We both had similar experiences
and fantastic results. It was a life changer.
My impression was that Dr.
Feng was highly competant but was uncomfortable
with selling or promoting himself. I think that
he vastly undersells his talents or the results
of his work. A very positive trait in a great
doctor, but not necessarily for somebody who
needs to convince nervous doubting surgery
candidates that they're doing the right thing
and that he's the best doctor to help them. Dr.
Feng is very careful to clearly state all the
risks and dangers to the procedure. He will not
and probably cannot tell people how incredible
or life changing the results can be when
everything goes fine, as I'm sure it usually
I rate Dr. Feng a 10+, hands down. I give him
an A+ for competance, his bed side manner is
formal. He's not a "warm fuzzy" guy. I'm a
very busy person, so although he certainly
made strong after care recommendations, I flew
down from WA specifically to see him after a
strong recommendation from a friend and wasn't
in the area for close follow up. He's always
available to see me when I'm in town, but
otherwise I really needed very little follow
up. I healed fast, was back at work in 4 days,
felt fine and the weight came off. I had no
problem sticking to my diet after the surgery.

The decision to proceed with getting the Lap-Band
in April 2007 -- as a last resort to my constant
struggle to lose weight -- was the best decision I
have ever made and if I had the choice to do it
again , I would do it in a heartbeat.
The post-surgery recovery was very easy and
relatively painless -- I had the surgery on a
Thursday and was able to go back to work the
following Tuesday. The only pain I really felt
were the residual pains associated with
general anesthesia. The actual surgery site and
the incisions never hurt and they were very well
taken care of by Dr. Feng who did an excellent
My weight loss has been dramatic over the last 15
months -- I weighed 259 lbs at the time of my
surgery and one year later I was down to 179 lbs
-- a weight loss 80 lbs. My weight loss was very
steady throughout the year so my body was able to
bounce back from the weight loss relatively well
-- I did not suffer from the extreme skin sagging
that is typically seen with more aggressive forms
of bariatic surgery.
What I love about the Lap-Band is that it has
finally enabled me to successfully control my food
intake and my portions, something that I have
always struggled with. I eat a small amount of
food and I am satiated for a few hours -- and it
has finally freed me from my constant binging .
The Lap-band is not a miracle solution -- I still
have to watch what I eat -- but it has been a
wonderful aid in finally helping me lose the extra
weight that I have struggled to lose all my life.
At the same time the Lap-band is flexible enough
that if you want to eat dessert or have a drink
for a special occasion, you can do it -- just a
modified version of it :-). The Lap-band allows
you to live your life normally while losing the
Currently at 170 lbs, I continue to monitor my
food to simply maintain this weight -- which I
have never reached in my adult life. Overall, I
would highly recommend the Lap- Band and Dr.
Feng to anyone struggling with weight for whom
conventional weight-loss methods have been

This patient underwent Lap-Band surgery
and lost over 90 pounds.

Dr. Feng is very patient and
thorough. His assistant, Shelli, is delightful!
Dr. Feng thoroughly addressed the risks of surgery
and I felt completely unhurried as we discussed
all aspects and he answered all my questions. He
seems to respect my intelligence and the research
I've done; I feel that he views me as the partner
I am in this decision. He congratulated me for
working so hard on getting all my pre-op work
done, and for losing weight to get ready for
surgery. Both surgical competence and bedside
manner are important to me, and I've got them both
with Dr. Feng.

I hit it off right away with Dr
Feng. He was so understanding and very helpful in
deciding which surgery I should have. I pretty
much decided I wanted the VG after he went over
all the procedures. I felt so comfortable with him
and had no problems asking any questions, felt
very much at ease. He explained everything in away
which I could understand. He emphasizes that
follow up is very important with support groups
etc. His assistant Shelly is wonderful. She has
been there for me with any questions and or any
concerns I have.